HLB International appoints new members in Italy and Reunion
LONDON – HLB International, one of the leading global accountancy networks with a presence in 130 countries, continues its growth with the recent signing of new members in Italy and Reunion.
Studio Taxlex joins the network in Tuscany. Established in 1999, the firm provides services across audit, accounting, tax advisory services and payroll. HLB International is already present in Italy with members Studio Brocca & Partners, Studio Alfuor & Associati, Studio Marchionni & Partners, Fidital Revisione Srl and Studio Triberti Colombo & Associati. The new firm is an excellent addition to HLB’s already well-established network across Italy and will prove to be beneficial for the network due to a number of clients seeking international assistance in various European regions as well as China.
Atectam & Partners joins the network in Reunion Island. Established in 2010, the firm provides audit, compliance & regulatory, accounting & taxation, advisory services as well as training in bookkeeping, accounting and coaching.
Expertise Comptable Conseils joins the network in Reunion Island. Established in 1985, the firm provides audit, chartered accounting, financial and tax consulting, company incorporation, payroll services, training and corporate finance.
Both firms work together and bring a strong client base which does more and more business with the Southern Indian Ocean, Europe and China. The firms also have significant client exchanges with our member firm in Mauritius. With these two firms, HLB International is in the top five networks on the Island of Reunion, a French and European Region located at the crossroad of Europe, Africa and Asia.
About HLB
HLB International is a global network of independent professional accounting firms and business advisers. Formed in 1969, we service clients through our member firms in 159 countries, with 32,839 partners and staff in 968 offices worldwide.
Learn more about us and tell us what matters to you by visiting www.hlb.global
HLB refers to the HLB International network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.hlb.global/legal for further details.
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